5 Tips to Make Oral Health Fun

Although parents know that oral health is very important, convincing a child can be more difficult. As a pediatric dentist, creating healthy habits in young children is a goal that we want to help every child achieve. Not only do healthy oral hygiene habits save the time and money that cavities cause, but instilling healthy practices early helps to raise children who will continue to maintain healthy habits into adulthood.

Remember: When everyday tasks feel fun and exciting for children, it can help to make those everyday tasks easier on everyone, including parents!

Below are 5 tips to help make oral hygiene more fun for you AND your children. Follow these tips to help your child develop strong, healthy practices and the best oral health that they can. If you have any questions or if your child needs additional help or coaching in oral and dental hygiene practices, pediatric dentist in Rogers, AR, Dr. Brent Caple, and our entire team of dental professionals are here to help. Call our office today or request an appointment online.

Here are our TOP 5 PARENTING HACKS for tooth brushing time…

Let kids pick their toothbrush & toothpaste.

Take your child shopping and allow them to pick out their new supplies. Tooth brushes come in so many different options, they will be excited to be included in the process of selecting their own toothbrush. 

You can also make sure that they choose a toothpaste flavor that appeals to them. Many children find mint toothpaste too spicy. Choose a fun flavor that they will enjoy to help your child become more willing to participate. 

Make Tooth Brushing Time Playful

Make toothbrush time a game by challenging your child to brush their teeth through an entire song. Make sure the song is 2 minutes long, and they will be removing all the bacteria from their teeth. 

Let your child choose their favorite song. You can even create a brushing dance routine! Have fun and let your child give their input to make the toothbrush time game. You can also find a kid friendly toothbrush timer. 

Use a Variety of Educational Tools

Sometimes it is helpful for children to know the reason behind the task they are being asked to do. Help your child learn why it is important to brush and floss their teeth by reading books and stories about oral health.

You can find lots of fun videos and resources online. Visit the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists website for some great resources. Or watch this fun video about tooth brushing with your child.

Make Brushing and Flossing a Family Activity

Make oral hygiene a family affair. When you lead by example and show your child that tooth brushing is important, your actions will speak louder than words. When you brush as a family at a set time everyday, your child will learn to expect this as part of their daily routine.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

Keeping regular dental appointments can help to keep up with your child’s hygiene and avoid more painful dental problems in the future. This will also make visiting the dentist less painful and scary.

The benefits of choosing a pediatric dentist over a general dentist include the fact that a pediatric dentist has additional training and specialized skills in childhood dental care. Additionally, pediatric dental offices work hard to create a fun and kid friendly environment. Dr. Caple, his team, and our favorite dental assistant, Mr. Frog, are all happy to help you and your child develop strong and healthy habits.

Choose a few of these tips and see if making oral care more enjoyable helps your child learn these healthy habits. Remember, consistency in oral care is vital if you want your child to achieve good oral health. 

If you have any questions about helping your child develop healthy oral and dental hygiene habits, please feel free to ask Dr. Caple at your child’s next dental appointment. As a pediatric dentist serving patients in Northwest Arkansas for over 27 years, Dr. Brent Caple enjoys helping children build a healthy foundation for a lifetime of oral and dental health.


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